Business3 Elon Musk: Tesla boss sells $5bn of shares after Twitter poll It comes days after he asked his 63 million Twitter followers whether he should sell 10% of his stake in Tesla. The company's shares fell by around 16% in the two days after the poll came out in favour of him selling shares, before regaining some ground on Wednesday. Tesla is the world's most valuable carmaker, with a stock market valuation of more than $1tn. Mr Musk's trust sold almost 3.6 mill.. 2021. 11. 11. The three unknowns of the modern ad age For all its aura of precision, the digital-ad industry is as murky as ever Oct 30th 2021 As well as a louche mystique, there has always been something murky about advertising. From P.T. Barnum’s “Mammoth Fat Infant: only three years old and weighing 196 pounds” to three-martini lunches at the dawn of the tv era, it was never quite clear whether the adman was artist, scientist, strong-livered sch.. 2021. 11. 8. 20 Financial Bloggers Share Their Secrets To Running A Successful Blog The blogging business is booming and the financial space is no exception. Personal finance bloggers often start by documenting their own personal financial journeys and sharing money-saving advice. For some, those journeys lead to a successful business. For the past decade, the Plutus Awards has been recognizing these creators with an annual ceremony and award season that puts the focus on excel.. 2021. 10. 30. 이전 1 다음